shakespeare wallah

First time I heard of Shakespeare Wallah from Dr. Edwin, I imagined what the story is all about. I thought it is one of the Shakespeare’s masterpieces. But it was rather shocked when Dr.Edwin also mentioned that Shashi Kapoor involves in the story. So, I just wait and see what the story is all about.
After I have watched the film, then I realized that it is not actually deal with Shakepeare’s works but it is all about how a group of English people introduces Shakespeare’s works all around India by giving performances of Shakespearean plays. The film is based on the travels of Geoffrey Kendal and his daughter, Felicity Kendal. The story is actually the negation of their own life - how they face problems of the falling of staged theatre which is the heart of their life. I can see how they work really hard in order to fulfill their ambition. From the ‘conversation of the playwrights’, they actually have very tiny budget in making this film but they have succeed.
The film is focused more on the love triangle affair that occurs between Suraj, Manjula and Lizzie rather than dealing with Shakespeare’s works. For me, the film is quite interesting though my friends feel that it is a boring film. Maybe it is because I like watching Hindustan movies and I get used to the film that is long and ‘running around the bush’.
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