Me,MySeLf AnD DrAMaTiZaTiOn

Thursday, January 26, 2006

aRcHaIc LaNguAgE

I think that the archaic language that has been used in Greek drama nearly killed me! Basically I understand the storyline but when Dr.Edwin asks us what the underlying discourse some of the line…I could not really get it! Now I know that drama is much more difficult than when we dealt with short story last semester. Maybe only Greek drama that used archaic language is difficult. Hopefully it will be easier when deal with other text from other eras. I hope that I can do my best for it!
Our first text that we learn this semester is Antigone by Sopholes. I like this drama as it reflects the determination of a woman in a patriarchal dominant society. How she is brave enough to put herself in danger as she decided to go against Creon’s Law. I hope I can use some of her positive characteristics in ‘battling’ with this subject!
Actually I feel full of energy when I saw Dr. Edwin’s effort to help us understand the story. We look as if did not know anything as when it came to part that brings comical meaning, we did not laugh to it as we did not understand the joke. After Dr.Edwin has explained to us, then we can laugh to the comical message and also to ourselves, as we hardly understand the jokes. I really wish that I could do my best in this paper as I love literature very much and I hope this difficult language did not change my mind!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

my 1st exposure!

Learning drama is interesting for me. I’m eager to learn what drama actually is. As for the first time I learn about ‘Overview of the History of Theatre’, I’m impressed with how the drama revolves through the time. Before this, I always want to know where theatre came from. Now I know that it’s first appearance was in Greek and it is Greek theatre that gives big impact to the next eras of theatre. I also learned that how amazing, creative and innovative the old days people were as they build the place of performance surrounded by the hill. Wow! That’s really unique! I hope that one day I can visit those historical places.
Furthermore, I really cannot imagine that there was no actress during those times. The young men played all the women’s part. How funny it was! It showed that how suppress the women those time. I’m glad that I was not born during those time.
I also find out that theatre was not only for entertainment but it has other underlying message within it. As for the Greek people, they tend to have theatre as celebration after harvest festival. This is in order to promote culture and to enhance the audience knowledge on human activity. Besides that drama does also show the audience the reality in true life such as moral values, human’s behaviour and attitudes. Normally it can be found in the Medieval Theatre