SiMuLaTed TeAcHiNg
Hye…This week we have been dealt with micro- teaching presentations which I found them very interesting and I enjoyed it a lot. I have learned a lot of new activities that can be used during set induction and also pre-reading activities. Wow! My friends are very creative and some of them look like teachers already. Some of them used video clips for their set induction and I think that is very good as it is one of the way to capture students’ interest and as we also n live in the world of technology, why not we use technology in our teaching, right?. There are also who used transperancy which also i found it interesting as it safe more time and easier to conduct. In my opinion, no matter how you present your set induction, the most important is the message that you want to deliver to your students is clear, understandable and achieves your target. I haven't present mine yet.Hopefully i can do my best!;)
KiNg LeAr
I have finished reading the play ‘King Lear’. Personally, I like the play ‘King Lear’ as it taught me many moral values. I learn how to appreciate my parent as they help to brought me up. I have to treat them well and will not give problems to them. Actually, I felt very sad with Lear’s condition as he has been betrayed by his two elder daughters who are his trust went for them. Fortunately he still has his youngest daughter, Cordelia, to be with him on his doomed. I think Lear has learned his lesson very well that he has to be fair to all his daughters as they are under his responsibility. For me, we cannot be bias to our children and I know that it is hard to be equal. Human is not a perfect creature in life; we do make mistake, make false judgment and have our own preferences even in buying groceries. But, we can always learn from our mistake and experience as experience is the best teacher for us. Furthermore, I learn about being loyal and how to know that people are being loyal and honest to us. We can see that Kent is always being loyal to Lear even though Lear has dismissed him from the country and Edmund who is acclaimed to be loyal to his father at the beginning of the play is actually the one who betrayed his father. All in all, I have learned that life is full of challenge as we cannot predict what might happen to us, who is the good friends to us, and who is pretending to be the good friend…but for sure I will always be my very best to be a good human!!!!!;)..

For me Tiresias myths is very interesting after I have found out who is Tiresias actually is. Before this I thought that he is an ordinary fortune teller who has no significance in the story. As time goes by, I learn that he is a famous blind prophet who has been gifted the ability to foresight the future or in a way warned the tragic hero about his doom. There are many tales about individual prophecies of Tiresias: he predicted the manner of Narcissus' death; he tried to warn Oedipus of the rashness of that king's inquiries about his parents; he predicted that the sacrifice of Menoeceus, son of Creon, would permit the forces of Eteocles to repulse the army of the Seven Against Thebes. Tiresias eventually died from drinking from the spring Tilphussa, but even after death his shade was able to offer valuable prophecy to the hero Odysseus.
It is rather interesting to know that Tiresias is actually a normal human being who incidentally came upon two great serpents copulating; he struck them with his staff, and was thereupon transformed into a woman. Seven years later, she/he passed by the same place and came upon the same two serpents copulating; she/he struck them again with the staff and was turned back into a man. It means that he has the opportunity to be in both sexes!WOW!I think it was a good opportunity as I myself keep wondering whether being a woman or a man is more pleasurable not only in term of sex but in term of living in this world...;-P. Furthermore, due to his speciality of experience in being in both sexes, Zeus and Hera consulted him as Zeus claimed that woman get more pleasure in the sex and vice versa with Hera. Tiresias sided with Zeus and due to that Hera got angry and struck Tiresias blind. Since Zeus could not undo the act of another deity, he gave Tiresias the gift of prophecy in compensation. Another account says that Tiresias accidentally saw Athena naked, and she covered his eyes with her hands, thus rendering him blind. When Tiresias' mother Chariclo asked Athena to restore her son's sight, the goddess could not undo her own action but gave him the gift of prophecy as compensation.
All in all, Tiresias plays an important roles in Greek plays!

It's been quite a long time i didn't upgrade my blog. It was a hectic week i went through last week; with all the mid semester exams and also assignments. Talking about mid sem. exams, Teaching of Drama is one of them. I don't know how i did the paper. I hope for the best even though i've forgotten some of the important information that is needed. Furthermore, i've spent my Chinese New Year holidays reading the Barranger's Theatre book.
Personally, i like the Barranger's book because i learn a lot from it as i didn't have prior knowledge about theatre. Before this, i thought that theatre is so difficult and not interesting enough if we compare with when i learned about short story. I think it is difficult when i've been exposed with the Greek's text which is different from my language, culture and believe. What i found out is that the modern theatre which shares the same language as i do, i think it is interesting and relevant in this period of time. The theatre that i like the most is 'The Caucasion Chalk Circle'. I'm touched with the plotline as a woman who is gifted with mother instinct, i can feel the love towards the little child as she is the one who looked after him in difficult time; wartime. The Greek theatre also nice in their plotline as i learned about new things that i didn't know before this. their culture, their believe and their way of living. At this moment, the Greek's masterpiece that i like is ' King Lear' as i also a daughter and i can feel what Cordelia felt and i hope i didn't be like Goneril and Ragen. From the Barranger's also, i know what theatre really is, how they performed it, when they usually performed and where the place of performing theatre.
All in all, i'm starting to feel what theatre really is!I just need to work harder as the archaic language is still difficult for that i can enjoy the beauty of theatre!